Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to Handle Duplicate Content Generated by User & Manufacturer on Large Number of URLS

As we know that if meta-description is exactly of same pattern in most of the pages in the web than Google takes no chance to penalize it.  So we need to find out ways to deal with product descriptions when a manufacturer asks us to write in similar way to the competitors. Here are just three tips that help us to reduce the risk of our site being penalized by including content in product descriptions.

We know that this is the problem faced by most of e-commerce sites, travel sites, or the sites where user-generated, user-review content is seen with respect to duplicate content. Let us consider an example of BMO’s travel gadgets which sales BMO Camera 9000 and whose manufacturer has made a note that this product should have same information in all sites. The product should be displayed along with its description of manufacturer, user reviews and specific photographs.

This generally applies to large number of e-commerce sites apart from those sites where content licensing happens too frequently. It comes to our attention that user reviews on sites that deal with rental properties or hotels or car rentals or flights are those sites which will face same type of issue as these sectors contain large number of related sites.

There are few ways which can be done in order to be unique not a vast list of choices but some options that will make content exclusive. First one is we can inform manufacturer that I am here to create unique content and all that I want to include for product description is colored in green. Here it goes with my trial by taking some snaps with the camera, then comparing this with other cameras,  will be including some specifications that might not be provided by manufacturer, will make own editorial review and also some top reviews from the customers. And this type of description will be successful as it is totally different from others.

Second idea is that if we have little of unique content but large amount of duplicate content which is useful to user and has to be placed on the page then we can prefer iframes but this should be either out of the search engines index or else it should not be associated with this particular url. That is we can build an iframe, put the content in it and embed it on the page.

The last idea goes in this way that is we need to take content which is highly duplicative, and then we need to apply aggregation, modification as well as visualization to this duplicate content.  Now this will be unique, will be valued and has high chances of ranking well in search engines. As it is a combination of duplicate pieces of content it will be recognized by search engines and they will place it in the index.

So all the above tips help to avoid the pages to be duplicate and make them unique among high number of websites.

1 comment:

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