Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fake PR (Page Rank) Websites and Link Exchange

Fake PR (Page Rank) Websites and Link Exchange

Fake Page Rank

I got a message for link exchange with a PR5 with any PR3+ link exchange in return. You might be getting such requests so; I thought to bring this notice to you.

This message sounds irregular if anyone is requesting for link exchange for less page rank compare to there existing website. Mostly, such people if ever ask for low PR websites.

If the website has page rank 5 and contains very less back links, hardly any content and no life then this is one of the cases of having FAKE Page Rank.

A fake page rank website can earn a lot of money if you are smart enough to hide it properly. But there is always a solution for every problem and similarly they are always ways to detect a web site that has a fake page rank.

At present I don’t have any idea that Google has taken any serious action against such web sites or plans to take later on but at present I will explain tips to detect such web sites before getting into any kind of deal (link exchanges, buying links etc) with them.

In this article, I want to share my views to you, how to know that a website having a fake page rank or not. This article or post may help you to save you a lot of money.

Four Steps to Detect a Fake Page Rank:

  1. Check PageRank using a PageRank checker tool.
  2. Search: info:http://URL in Google
  3. Look at the URL listed at the bottom of the first result in green
  4. If the URL is different then the one that you put in first then it is a FAKE PageRank.
  5. Open and search for info: then you can notice that as, the enter URL in green is different from display URL. This means that the PageRank is fake.