Friday, April 25, 2014

7 Essentials When Optimizing Your Site

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” and is the method of affecting the visibility of a website from the “free”, “organic” listings on search engines. Basic search engine optimization is important and fundamental. The main purpose of foundational SEO isn't to defraud the search engines.
The purpose of SEO is to:
  • Create a good, faultless user experience.
  • Communicate to the search engines about your plans so they can recommend your website for significant searches.

1. What Search Engines Are Looking For

Search engines desire to do their works as good as possible by suggesting users to websites and content that is most significant to users. Hence how is significance determined?
Content: It is resolved by the topic that is being given in the page which includes the titles and descriptions.
Performance: How much time takes to load the page in your site and does it work properly?
Authority: Does your site have relevant content to link or does other authoritative sites use your website as a reference?
User experience:
  • How does the site look?
  • Is it easy to navigate around?
  • Does it look safe?
  • Does it have a high bounce rate?

2. What Search Engines Are Not Looking For

Search engine crawlers have a definite possibility of data storage. Hence if you are using shady tactics to trick them, then chances are going to hurt yourself in the long time. Items the search engines don't want are:
Keyword Stuffing: Repetition of keywords on your pages.
Purchased Links: When comes to SEO, buying links will not get you anywhere, hence be notified.
Poor User Experience: Make it easy to get around for the user. Many ads and relevant content will only helpful to increase your bounce rate. If you know your bounce rate it will help to determine other information about your site.

3. Know Your Business Model

While this is attractive , hence many people tend to not sit down and just focus on their aims. Some questions you need to ask yourself. Those are:
  • What defines a conversion for you?
  • Are you selling eyeballs (impressions) or what people click on?
  • What are your goals?
  • Do you know your assets and liabilities?

5. Don’t Forget to Optimize for Multi channels

Keyword strategy is not only significant to apply for on-site, but should enlarge to other off-site platforms, which has to consider multi-channel optimization. These multi-channel platforms include Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email and Offline, such as radio and TV ads. Being logical with keyword phrases within these platforms, will not only help your branding problems, but also train users to use exact phrases you are optimizing for.

6. Be Consistent With Domain Names

Domain naming is very important to your overall foundation, hence you are better to use Sub-directory root domains ( versus sub-domains ( Some other best practices with domain names are Consistent Domains, Keep it Old School, Keywords in URL.

7. Optimizing for Different Types of Results

In addition to development for the desktop experience, make sure to concentrate on cell phone, tablet optimization and also other networks.
  • Create rich and unique content like video, as it's easier to get a video to rank on the first page as compared to plain text page rank.
  • Search engines can see it, when you optimize your non-text content. If your website uses PDFs and flashes make sure that search engines can easily crawls that content and give a better rank to your site.

8. Focus on Your Meta Data Too

Your content on your site should have Title and Meta description Tags. Nowadays, Meta keywords are much unnoticed by search engines. Anyway if you still use keywords, make sure it talks particularly to certain page. Your Meta description and title should be unique and also tell about specific page. Duplicate Meta descriptions from page to page will not get a better rank.

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