Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Enhanced Campaigns: How to Optimize AdWords Campaigns for Desktop And Mobile

   Enhanced campaigns lets you to easily reach people and enables to target for various devices like desktop and mobile. With the help of enhanced campaigns you can target all device types and location within the same campaign. Google Adwords released enhanced campaigns in February which simplifies the work and manages multiple devices. Let us see how to create mobile ad campaigns.

Understanding User Context:

   Search marketing allows you to connect with the audience searching for keywords which are relevant to your business. Two persons may see for different things using the same keyword depending on time, location and device.
   Let us consider an example as shown below:
   Two users A and B are searching using the same keyword "pizza" but time, location and devices differ. User A is at home and searches for "pizza" at the lunch time in his laptop. He may be seeing for the places where pizza is available with delivery. User B searches for the same "pizza" on her phone, downtown around 7:30 pm. It seems that she wants to know the directions to the pizza restaurant.

So user context depends on time, location and device while searching. If you understand the user context then you can increase your adwords profits as shown below:

You Can Create Better Ads:

   Understand user's context and make your ad copy useful to the searcher. The ad for user B should have directions to the store as she uses mobile device and ad for user A should have delivery options.

You Can Bid Smarter for Clicks:

   B2B Company values desktop search traffic on weekdays, whereas you can value mobile traffic on weekends and nearby your location.

How to Optimize Your Adwords Campaigns for Desktop and Mobile:

Bidding Options in Enhanced Campaigns:

   You can adjust your bids depending on the time, location and device using enhanced campaigns where the search begins.

You can find the location, ad schedule and device tabs in the Campaign Settings tab.

Location Bidding Options:

   Suppose your business is based in U.S and you sell the products to both U.S and Canada. If the clicks convert at lower rate from Canada when compared to the clicks in U.S you can optimize your bids less on clicks by 30% from Canada. You can bid more or less on clicks from any location. It ranges from +300% to -100%.

   If you get more number of clicks from near distance compared to far then you can bid more for the near searches and less for which is far as they would be less valuable to your business.

Time Based Bidding Options:

   It is easy to bid either more or less based on time of the day and day using enhanced campaigns. You can bid more on weekday traffic by 30% and less on weekends by 50% as shown in the below example. 

You can also adjust the bid based on time which would be valuable to your business.

Mobile Device Based Bidding Options:

   You can adjust the bid more or less for the mobile devices traffic. There would be more chances for mobile searches if your business accepts the orders through mobile. In the below example the mobile bid has been adjusted down by 10%.

 Smarter, User-Context Aware Ads:

   You can displays several user-context aware ads using enhanced campaigns based on where the search begins from. If you want to display the ads for mobile devices then you can activate the check box which shows as Mobile Preferred Ad as shown below:

   Even though these features were available previously for advertising they were used rarely as they need to create separate ad campaign. You can manage your ads and bids in already existing single campaign using enhanced campaigns without creating new one.

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