Monday, April 22, 2013

How Google’s Disavow Links Tool Can Remove Penalties

By using Google’s link disavow tool can we remove penalties? Yes, but whereas manual penalties, disavowing links cannot be removed. For removing algorithmic penalties more time is required. Know more about both the methods below.

Disavowing Links: “Don’t Count These Votes!”

When u submit disavow requisition, Google will process that request and tag those links pointing at your site as nofollow tag on them, as if they aren’t indeed pointing at your site for any purposes.

We can say that if links are votes, using the link disavow tool efficiently tells Google that you don’t require that votes calculated, for better or worse, toward your rankings.

This procedure is done automatically, but it still takes weeks until the disavow request is processed.

Removing Algorithmic Penalties

Let talk about situation where we are hit by an algorithmic penalty related to links, such as the Penguin Update. Algorithmic another penalty involves no human inspection at all. Instead, Google computers say that site has done something wrong.

To remove those penalties we should remove that links. In that situation link disavow can help. We use it to correctly disavow bad links that were harm your site.

First we should clean up the links then we have to wait for the disavow request to get processed but it may take more time.

Next step is to wait until next time the Google algorithm hit your site. Even you have used disavow to clean up the links; you have to wait till next Penguin Update hit your site.

For example where you file the disavow request before a Penguin Update, you still might not get clean up because it takes several weeks to get processed. You’ll have to wait for the next update.

Eventually, if you are using this tool, you observe a change but it takes time. You can clean up links by file disavow alone when you hit by algorithmic penalty.

Removing Manual Penalties

In this situation it is much faster than previous if your site were hit by a manual penalty. In this case some human being at Google has examined your site and decided that it deserves a penalty. In effect with all of these cases, you may receive a notice from Google that penalty has occurred.

If it hits bad links, we can remove that links by using disavow tool. Nevertheless, the links can't be removed automatically as it was placed manually. Therefore you have to put a file reconsideration request. This will induce a person at Google to check on your site. By checking link disavow request and if it's enough, manual penalty may be removed.

Two things you have to do are disavow links and file a reconsideration request. And the third import thing you have to do is to make a good effort to remove links not simply using link disavow.

We should keep in mind that manual penalties have expiry dates and Google reminds that after a period of time, the penalty on your site ought to expire certainly. That’s why you may see an improvement in your site even if you do nothing. 

If you do nothing it may leave you subject to an algorithmic penalty in the future. In short, you should take as a warning or you may have to face an algorithmic penalty in future. 

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