Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Google Analytics Gets New Feature Reports

 Google analytics help website owners to check their website problems, success and future content opportunities. You can easily track out the data with the help of google analytics. Now, Google came out with real time reports by adding four new features.
 Mainly, Google analytics redesigned two new social reports based on the social data hub partners data. Google announced Data Hub Activity and Trackbacks are the two new social reports.

 This helps the webmasters who depend on analytics, it provides a better idea of what are the changes taking place on your site right now. You will identify the problems and success quickly rather than waiting for several hours.

Real time reports with new features:

Shortcuts for your important real-time segments
       A new feature called "create shortcut" has been added to real time reports, Hence no need to create filters each time. You can create shortcuts to your favorite segments and you can save your time. Shortcut feature has been added to the reports to speed up the process. Previously in order to get the accurate data, advertisers applied advanced segments or metrics. This process has to be done every time when you log into the analytics and you have to change the segment every time. So, with the launch of shortcuts, you can apply the segment only once. Google will remember the settings and you can easily see the data by clicking on your pre-set shortcut. 

Creating a Short Cut:

You can create shortcut easily with the five steps:
Firstly, navigate to a report that you use regularly with in Standard Reports or Custom Reports.
Next, apply any segment with the help of Advanced Segment, metric or dimensions.
Later, Collect the dataset and click on the shortcut link above the report.
After that, mention a name to your shortcut. Name it logically, so that you can easily find out the shortcut in future.
Lastly, Click on the "OK" button and this will save the shortcut within the home tab in analytics. 

2) Comparison real-time to overall data

 Google announced few improvements and added new features, with this new report you can easily see the top events as they occur as well as you can filter specific event categories. You can analyze page views and complete  traffic side by side.

3) Trackback Report

  Previously Trackbacks report was available in social reports and now the reports are available in standalone report. It shows all your inbound links across the web and also displays number of visits during the reporting period to check the importance of each inbound link.

4) Data Hub Activity Report

  Navigate to a Data Hub Activity report, it shows a timeline of the number of activities taking place in the Social Data Hub and displays the raw activities in a list. This report permits a user to filter or extract the list by a specific social network.

 New social media reports were previously available in Network Referrals or Landing Pages reports.

 Google is still trying to innovate new features to have an idea of what is happening on your site and it also helps you to identify areas for improvement.


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