Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why Search Engine Optimization is Necessary

An important feature of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is making your website easy for both visitors and search engine robots to understand easily. Although search engines have developed to a high degree of complexity, in other ways search engine robots can't see and understand the webpage the same way a human does.

A Common Argument Against SEO

No one engineer would ever make a search engine that needs website to follow certain conditions and rules in order to be ranked SERP.

Suppose you uploaded online a dog photo. A human might explain it as "black colored dog, small sized dog, playing in the garden". But search engines will not understand the photo as like human being.

How to make a search engine understand a photo? The solution is; SEO allows webmasters to provide the idea or evidence that the search engines can use the content to understand easily. Adding proper structured content to your website is essential to Search Engine Optimization. In above example of dog, the solution is given the alt tag and title tag to photo. These tags are understood by the search engines easily.

Spidering and Indexing Problems

   Search engines are machine algorithm; they are not good at completing online forms like login forms. Any content containing hidden content behind the forms may remain hidden from search engines.

Website using a Content Management System (CMS) often creates duplicate versions of the same web page. The search engine robots crawl the entire original content in the webpage.

Errors in your website crawling directive (robots.txt) may lead to blocking search engines.
Poor link structure and content leads to fail of search engines to crawl all of the website content.

Content to Query Matching

Search query or text should be written in the format of people commonly used terms. Example: "food cooling units", for this keywords people commonly use "refrigerators".
Very important is Language and internationalization subtleties. For example, color as colour. Check the keyword what people are searching for and use exact match keyword in your website content.

Location targeting, like targeting content in "polish", when the maximum people who would visit your website are from Japan.

Mixed contextual signals: Suppose you post the title as "Mexico's best coffee" but the actual post is about "vacation resort or restaurants in Canada” which happen to serve great coffee. These types of mixed text or mixed posts create or send confusion signals to search engine robots.

The "Tree Falls in a Forest"

    Search Engine Optimization is not about getting the technical information of search engine friendly web development correct. Search engines are also about marketing. This is the most important concept to understand the functionality of search engines. You can build a perfect structured website, but the content can remain invisible or hidden to search engines unless you promote it.

The meaning of "tree falls in a forest" is that if no one is around to hear the sound, it may not be present at all. This translates to search engines and web content. In terms of SEO, if no one links to your web page content, the search engines may choose to ignore it.

Search engines themselves have no power to imagine (inherent gauge) of quality of the website or web page and no potential way to discover good pieces (part of web content) of content on the website. The power lies only with human beings to discover, comment and link to. Hence, the web content cannot simply be created; it must be shared, liked and talked about. Search engines are doing great job of promoting high quality content on the website that have become popular.


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