Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Three Tools & Hacks to Help Your SEO Efforts

Three things come to your mind when it comes to optimizing websites for search engines:

1.Fast loading websites
2.Advanced reporting for SEO campaigns

To improve efficiency in your workflow in order to save time for thinking and experimenting rather than wasting time for repetitive work. Therefore one should use hacks and tools to make job easier.

Here the tools and hacks in the following lines:

Speedy Websites

Fast loading web pages are critical for all of us but not because Google considers the loading time in the ranking algorithm, but because to increase websites conversion better. To impress your customers show them the increase in the revenue and conversions during your SEO campaigns by making no mistake which makes your customer happy with the investment.

There are types of great tips on decreasing page loading times which usually need advanced procedures, change in design structure or resolve server configurations. To make things easily you need Google Tag Manager.

Google Tag Manager helps you to manage Google Analytics tracking codes or any other tags. The tag is written in JavaScript. So, if it works with one kind of JavaScript, it can be used anywhere.

The JavaScript codes provided by social network sites like Twitter, Google+ or Facebook slow down the speed of websites when they are repeated more than one time in a page. Remove the scripts to Google Tag Manager which helps to increase loading time down to zero.

Just copy the code provided by social networks and make sure that the tag is placed on all pages. Make sure to remove the code you placed in Google Tag Manager.

You can add the following as well to Google Tag Manager:

1.You can place web fonts, frameworks, web apps or widgets, web analytic codes including Google Analytics.
2.Move custom and inline JavaScript.

By this we can decrease the loading time of a websites.

Advanced SEO Reporting

To maintain long time relationship with your customers accurate SEO reporting is crucial.

The traffic analysis you get from Google & Google Analytics to your websites is not exactly correct, but only good thing that came out is it forces you to dig deeper and look for other key metrics to put you and your customers in right track.

Here are a few ideas for some of the reports that are parts of my SEO dashboards:

1.Landing pages for organic traffic for the webpages
2.Long tail vs. short tail traffic
3.SEO revenue and conversions rates over time

Converting Organic Traffic

Customers feel happy when they see the results even when optimization is in process but we all know that the real impact will take time.

Putting focus on getting results, you can keep customers happy and maintain good partnership with your customers.

Clients want more traffic from search engines for their websites, but what they truly want is to get more revenue out of their sites, therefore one should concentrate on getting organic traffic then revenue comes automatically.

Targeting organic traffic based on the keywords that drove the people to the website, you can use PadiAct.

When you use PadiAct a pop-up is showed to visitors that can take actions on the website matching your targeting definitions.

Email leads are sent immediately to MailChimp where you can set multiple autoresponders to convert many of the people into customers. Based on the sales information you get from the mail and you know the keyword positions that are more likely worth to invest in.

Going the Extra Mile

Social media is becoming more of a ranking factor. Why not use social network to increase your traffic.

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