Friday, January 4, 2013

Search Engines Ranking Factors 2013

So many people have the doubt i.e, which factors are relevant to good ranking for keywords in search engines. Ranking factors differ from one search engine to another search engine. Every search engine have their own ranking factors.
Ranking Factors

Some Important Ranking Factors:

1. Social media signals show extremely high correlation:. If we get likes, shares, tweets from social media like Facebook, Twitter and Google+, it is considered as good ranking factor in search engines.

2. Back Links: Though the number of back links form the powerful factor in ranking but getting the qualitative back links is also important rather than quantitative back links.

3. Brands Leverage Classic SEO Signals: The web pages with strong brands need not to be concerned with the areas of title tags, headings, descriptions, alt tags etc.

4. Targeted Keywords in Domain: Irrespective of the rumors and contrary, placing the targeted keyword in the domain name is more likely to appear in the top rankings.

Social Ranking Factors
5. Too Much Advertising is Detrimental: Having too many advertisements on your web pages, requires great effort to rank well. Do not advertise AdSense and AdBlocks like porn sites, guns or illegal products etc on your website.

Google Search Ranking Factors:

Google in the starting days had an algorithm which was easy to understand. But now Google is updating the algorithm every month which is becoming more complicated to understand every update. Understanding the Google updates can help explain changes in rankings and organic website traffic and accordingly google algorithm made changes to basic factors of every updates. They are shown in below image.

Google Ranking Factors

The main 7 basic factors of google search engine are,
  1. Backlinks (quality back links)
  2. Content (unique content)
  3. Authority
  4. Trust (visitor trust)
  5. Reviews (visitor reviews)
  7. Facebook Shares

Common Search Engine Factors

Now a days search engine factors are changing dramatically. Here are some basic and common factors of search engines:
1. On-Site SEO: It includes targeted keyword selection, website architecture, internal linking and content optimization. Content optimization can be done, when search engine changes the factors according to algorithm updates.

2. Off-Site Link Building: Every search engine crawler can find out which sites are linked to your websites. This process makes google search engine determine the web page rank. If the page rank is high for a particular website, that website will have good quality links. So it is better to get 100 different website links from 100 sites but not 100 same links from one site. Getting the quality links on a regular basis is always advisable.

3. Content Quality: Recently Google has updated the algorithm called "Panda". With this updates, Google has penalized so many websites for providing low quality content on their websites. The content updated on your website must be qualitative as it is termed as king of the website.

4. CTR: The Click Through Rate gives the percentage at which the visitors click on an ad. If the visitor is spending more time on your website it results in improved rankings.

5 Penguin Friendly Link Building Tips

Google has launched an algorithm update called penguin in April 2012, where many of the websites ranking has fallen down. Due to this penguin updates the spam sites have been hit. if any black hat seo techniques have been used in the past and even though your website is in the safe mode it doesn't mean that you are ranking top in the serp, the results may gradually decrease.
Here are Some Link building Tips based on penguin update which improve the rankings of your website.

5 Penguin Friendly Link Building Tips

1. Get More Fans from Social Media

One of the best way to increase the traffic is through social media. When the new content is posted on any site or blogs you should share the content in social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Google+, where likes and followers will increase which results in improving the traffic. When you get re-tweets and likes for your content this gives a good ranking in search engines.

2. Link To Inner Pages

A basic seo mistake that everyone does is linking to the homepage. A home page is the important page of every site and hence majority of the back links should not be directed to the homepage. The inner pages consist of the real content and most of the natural links are connected to the inner pages only.
Internal links are important to improve the site structure for right keywords and for linking to the right pages, this makes easy for google bot and visitors to crawl the site.

3. Diversify Your Anchor Texts

Due To google algorithm updates the target has been over optimized for websites, which has been a search engine ranking problem. Anchor text is a word or phrase which is a clickable text in hyper link. When there are many anchor text links to a particular keyword linking it causes a search engine ranking problem.
Diversity of anchor text means linking to a particular page or website. Most of the companies will link a particular website to their company name as anchor text.
Prepare a list of anchor text links to your website which can be downloaded using majestic seo. When the percentage of anchor text keyword is higher than 60 percent then you have to diversify the links with more general keyword phrases.
For example you can use this keywords in anchor text links:
  • Click here
  • Website
  • My company
  • Our company
  • The website
  • Learn more
  • Read more
  • Click details
  • Buy now
  • Contact us
  • More website
  • Official site
  • Visit our site
These are the keywords which can be used to diversify the links.

4. Focus on Quality not Quantity

The Most important thing is to have quality links than quantity links. Google will penalize the websites of back links from unworthy sites. We should stop the mass link building techniques or else you may get slow but steady results of link building.

5. Make Content Link Worthy

Producing worthy content is the basic thing for a website where the visitors should like the content and which should be informative. If the visitors doesn't like content they may leave your site which gives a high bounce rate and less google rankings.
When the content is informative and trustworthy then the visitors will stay longer on the site and then rankings of the site will be improved which is considered as a very good seo technique.